Dataspace 0: Those Memex Dreams Again
Dataspace 1: In Search of a Data Model
Dataspace 2: Revenge of the Data Model
Dataspace 3: It Came From The S-Expressions
Dataspace 4: The Term-inator
I want a Memex. Roughly, I want some kind of personal but shareable information desktop where I can enter very small pieces of data, cluster them into large chunks of data, and – most importantly – point to any of these small pieces of data from any of these chunks.
‘Pointable data’ needs a data model. The data model that I am currently exploring is what I call term-expressions (or T-expressions): a modified S-expression syntax and semantics that allows a list to end with (or even simply be, with no preceding list) a logical term in the Prolog sense.
I’m not a huge fan of type theory as it currently exists in functional programming languages such as Haskell. Type theory seems, to me, to be merely an application of logic – and I think what we’d find much more useful than a type-inference engine that only runs at compile time, is a general logical inference engine like Prolog that operates on general logical terms, and can operate at runtime.
(Because on the Internet, it’s always runtime. There is no ‘compile time’ where you can escape the entire network; all you can do is pass the output of one program into another via sending and receiving data. At some point, we need to start thinking about ‘types’ as merely syntactic transformations of data, or logical statements (themselves pieces of data) made, inferred and proved about data. To handle the creation of new types at runtime, we need functions that can take types – or structured data containing types – as arguments, and return types as values.)